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The Sales Funnel For Effective Online Marketing

Apr 26

The sales funnel has been a fundamental part of business and marketing for ages. Recently however, it appears that funnels are being discussed everywhere online.

It is evident that many want to know more about this idea and how they could use it in their online businesses marketing efforts. If you'd like to learn more about sales funnels to help you with effective Internet marketing I invite you to read on.

The Sales Funnel - What exactly is it?

A marketing funnel does not actually refer to the concept of a funnel. For this marketing concept, "funnel", is used to visualize and explain the entire sales process. Since it has a broad entry way for potential customers "Unqualified prospects" on the top and a much narrower opening to convert sales in the middle, the funnel can be a precise comparison.

The top of the funnel or entry point to the funnel are those who we may consider as "unqualified prospects"; these are folks who might require your services or products however, you've never contacted them before. You'll have many opportunities and sales in the future, and you'll also have customers who've purchased your product/service.

Another reason why a lead-generation funnel idea is efficient is that it allows you monitor potential customers at various stages in the expanded sales process. By using the sales funnel to determine the amount of qualified prospects at each step, you will be able to determine how many potential customers are likely to become customers.

The sales funnel lets you to identify the areas where your sales strategy is not working and where it is succeeding. It also helps you determine if your campaign isn't reaching the right customers. This information helps you choose where to put your efforts to ensure that sales are at the correct level and that you are meeting your marketing goals. It's used to measure and manage the sales process of clients.

The Front - End or Sales Funnel The top

The top section of your sales funnel should undergo continuous testing and will be the most engaged. There are virtually endless front-end strategies that are limited only by your imagination and resources.

The front-end's main objective is to attract potential clients and convert these buyers into buyers down the sales funnel.

Once a prospective client decides to sign up for your offer, they become "qualified". This is when the prospect or "Unqualified Lead" becomes qualified. This is because they have taken an action that suggests that they might be interested in buying your product or services.

Your front-end should be able to bring specific traffic to your site or blog. The most efficient methods and resources to accomplish this are articles marketing, PPC adverts, social media (Google+, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube) banners, blogging, forum posting, content marketing and more.

There are a variety of methods that you can use to "qualify prospects who aren't qualified". One of the most effective is the use of an online squeeze page, that allows you to provide something valuable relevant to your service or product which people can receive for free or drastically reduced price for the exchange of their name and email. You can choose from newsletters and related reports and videos and e-mail course.

We can see that the front end is where customers are drawn to your sales funnel. What about the back end?


The Back-End or Bottom of The Funnel

The back-end (or the bottom) of your sales channel is where the bulk of sales and profits occur. This area usually includes your most expensive products. These products would all be relevant to the same market, but they are delivered in different formats, like video, audio and live interaction.

The major difference between the front and back-ends is in the kind of client as well as the cost of the product/service being provided.

While it's the case that only 1 percent of the people who access the front end will be able connect to your back-end system, this small percent may not be of any significance. It's okay, because this tiny group will be investing much more in the long run.

While front-end services and products may be less expensive than $100 but back-end products and services typically cost at the range of hundreds to even thousands. This makes the back-end or bottom of the sales funnel the main source of income for your Internet company, and it's the most predictable and solid part of the sales funnel.

As I said earlier the sales funnel is customizable as much as your imagination and resources permit.

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