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Vein Care How To Prevent Varicose Veins

Dec 16

Center For Advanced Vein Care is the process of treating varicose veins, spider veins, and other conditions. Treatment options range from home remedies to minimally invasive medical procedures. Vein experts strive to develop newer, safer, and more effective ways to treat vein diseases without surgery.

A person with varicose veins or other venous disorders can have symptoms like pain, aching and itching in the legs and feet. The condition may also cause swollen and red veins. Varicose veins are the result of blood pooling in a weak or damaged vein due to one-way valves failing to close properly. Varicose veins may occur in the lower leg, thigh or buttocks. The disease is common and can lead to painful ulcers on the skin or venous leg syndrome (VLS).

Varicose veins are enlarged, twisted and bulging and may be blue, purple or red in color. The veins are near the surface of the skin and become engorged with blood as a result of pressure on the vein walls.

Health experts are not sure why the vein walls stretch and the valves fail, but they do know that some people have a greater risk of developing varicose veins. Some factors that contribute to this include:

Age: People with varicose veins often get the disease as they get older because their vein valves wear out over time. People with a family history of the disease have a greater chance of getting it, too. Gender: Women are more likely to develop varicose veins, especially if they have children or are taking birth control pills.

Other risk factors for developing varicose veins include wearing tight clothing around the waist or legs and obesity. Keeping weight under control helps prevent varicose veins and other venous disorders. Exercise and wearing compression stockings help with blood flow, too.

The first steps in treating varicose veins include home treatments, such as elevating the legs several times throughout the day or putting them up while sitting or sleeping. Vein specialists suggest wearing elastic compression stockings to keep the legs from swelling and to encourage blood flow. They also suggest avoiding long periods of sitting or standing and moving the legs frequently. Using a warm compress on the legs can relieve pain and reduce the appearance of varicose veins.

If self-care methods do not alleviate the symptoms, a patient can visit a vein specialist to discuss treatment options. During an office appointment, the vein specialist will look at a patient's bare legs and feet to examine their varicose or spider veins. They will perform ultrasound diagnostic tests to determine the cause of the symptoms and the best course of treatment. If the doctor recommends a procedure, they will help the patient with insurance paperwork and pre-certification if necessary. Patients usually pay out-of-pocket for this service, but the cost can be offset by insurance coverage. For some patients, the treatment will be considered medically necessary if it improves their quality of life and prevents complications, such as DVT or ulcers.